2023 Impact factor 1.0

Aims and Scope

EPJ Techniques and Instrumentationprimarily focuses on the design, implementation, and application of new techniques in all areas of the physical and applied sciences. Of particular interest to the journal are advances produced by:

  • Laboratory-specific custom instrumentation and diagnostics
  • Innovative and clever experimental techniques
  • Refinements to established experimental setups
  • Novel analytical methods

Such articles should summarize a novel, significant result, and provide a detailed description of the equipment, methods, or techniques used to produce the result. They may also include discussions of underlying theory, and/or potential cross-disciplinary applications.

The journal is also an outlet for the critical assessment, validation and documentation of newly established knowledge and invites article that:

  • comprehensively summarize and review laboratory and instrumentation related procedures and protocols
  • contain best practice and related benchmark studies in advanced experimental data acquisition and processing
  • contain best practices and related benchmark studies concerning the operation, performance and development of complex scientific instrumentation and equipment

EPJ Techniques and Instrumentation publishes regular articles, as well as short commentary articles intended to promote discussion and debate. Reviews of known techniques, or of open questions in emerging fields, are also strongly encouraged. This fully Open Access journal is devoted to the broad, timely, and public dissemination of information.

ISSN: 2195-7045 (Electronic Edition)

© Springer-Verlag